People setting up a party will often invite guests to come dressed up as a particular character. This may have evolved from Venice during Casanova’s time in Italy where even today, dressing up on Mardi Gras is a celebrated event.
The range of costumes now available shows the recent surge in popularity in dressing up for a party, particularly at Halloween time. It’s not just kids that like to dress up.
On themes from history , Mardi Gras is one of the biggest.For this event costumes can be very lavish and you can indulge, if price is not a problem. If not then a face mask will at least get you into the party.
Halloween is almost completely devoted to the love of costumes. From the youngest to the oldest, there are costumes available to fit. When you see outfits for your pet dog, you know that we are in the grip of a new trend in dressing up.
When I was young the only costumes we would dress up in was as a vampire or a ghost. But today, if I were still a child, I’d probably go for spiderman or superman. Of course I want to identify with that last big block buster I loved.
Other holidays have elements of costumes involved in them. People dress up as elves or Santa for Christmas, and occasionally show the holy family in a recreation of the night Jesus was born. You may see a leprechaun, or the Easter Bunny at the mall during the month prior to their specific holiday.
Costume design is being taken to a new level, far from the traditional themes we have come to expect. Cosplay is fast becoming the costume trend influenced heavily by video game characters. Contestants create their costume based on their selected character and stand before a judging panel to assess their accuracy and interpretation of the character.
So we see that today’s costume and fancy dress industry has taken on a new life. It harnesses characters from the past and includes influences form the computer game- playing generation to offer a very diverse range to choose from . Whatever event you may be planning or gift you are thinking of purchasing, the choice is greater than ever. Fast online access to buy further drives the industry.